Bollywood buffs have cherished the pairing of Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor. So when Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani re-released in theatres, followers couldn’t resist and flocked to the ticket home windows in giant numbers. The romantic-comedy continues to be behind Tumbbad among the many highest-grossing re-releases however has surpassed the horror movie in a single enviornment. Scroll beneath for the thrilling field workplace replace!
Field Workplace Assortment
YJHD was re-released in Indian theatres on January 3, 2025. It made a formidable begin, minting 1.15 crores on its opening day. The streak of success continued as the primary week collections concluded at 12.15 crores. It remained higher than new releases like Fateh and Emergency on many days. As per the final replace, Ranbir Kapoor & Deepika Padukone’s re-release had earned 19.09 crores.
Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani is the second highest-grossing re-release in Bollywood. It is just behind Tumbbad, which had earned a whopping 32 crores throughout its re-run in 2024.
YJHD vs Tumbbad Ticket Gross sales (Opening Weekend)
As per a contemporary report, Ayan Mukerji’s directorial had registered ticket gross sales of 2.74 lakh throughout its day 1 of re-release. It remained significantly better than many massive releases, together with Sarfira, Khel Khel Mein, Emergency, and Azaad.
If that’s not sufficient, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani was even barely greater than Tumbbad, which had registered ticket gross sales of two.64 lakh throughout its first weekend.
YJHD Income
Throughout its authentic run, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani had garnered 190.03 crores, together with the super-hit verdict. Mixed with the re-release, the lifetime collections now come to 209.12 crores. Made on a finances of 45 crores, the romantic comedy has loved returns of 164.12 crores. The revenue share stands at 364.7%.
Observe: Field workplace numbers are primarily based on estimates and varied sources. Numbers haven’t been independently verified by Koimoi.
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