After gathering Rs 178 crore in its authentic run in 2013, the Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone-led Yeh Jaawani Hai Deewani is including up numbers to the full a decade after its launch. Earlier in 2024, the movie raked in Rs 1.25 crore within the re-release, however the true run is coming now in 2025, because the movie has scored Rs 6.50 crore in its opening weekend, taking the full collections to Rs 185.95 crore. The Karan Johar-produced movie directed by Ayan Mukerji is racing towards the Rs 200 crore mark on the field workplace in Hindi.
On this newest re-release, Yeh Jaawani Hai Deewani opened to Rs 1.10 crore on Friday, and noticed a leap of over one hundred pc on Saturday to gather Rs 2.25 crore, and consolidated the identical with one other spike in numbers to Rs 3.20 crore on Sunday. The movie launched on about 700 reveals, and the depend has now grown to 2100 on Sunday based mostly on demand from the viewers. The movie is being celebrated on the large display and is arguably the preferred romantic comedy of final 15 years for the cinema-going viewers.
The maintain in Monday will give us an thought concerning the prospects of Yeh Jaawani Hai Deewani to enter the Rs 200 crore membership, and the weekend trajectory suggests robust probabilities for this Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone movie to realize the feat. It’s already a blockbuster in its authentic run, and it’s now about hitting a landmark quantity.
The success of YJHD in re-release additionally emphasis on the significance of in style music on the earth of films. It’s a signal from the viewers to the filmmakers in Hindi to ship good romantic comedies on the large display. The hope is on the wheel to reinvent itself and transfer over the overdose in motion area.Speaking of re-releases, YJHD is the second success for Ranbir Kapoor after Rockstar, and the approaching few vacant weeks may see movies like Wake Up Sid, Barfi and Bachna Ae Haseeno to arriving on the large display once more.
Right here’s a have a look at daywise field workplace of YJHD (Re-Launch)
Friday: Rs 1.10 crore
Saturday: Rs 2.25 crore
Sunday: Rs 3.20 crore
Whole: Rs 6.50 crore
Keep tuned to Pinkvilla for extra updates!
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