In an unlucky incident on January 16, 2025, Saif Ali Khan was injured after an intruder entered his home. Nevertheless, the actor was discharged after a number of days and has been again residence along with his household. He was noticed along with his spouse Kareena Kapoor Khan for the primary time after his discharge. The couple was accompanied by tight safety.
At the moment, January 26, 2025, the paparazzi clicked Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan exterior their residence in Bandra, Mumbai. Within the video, the actress was seen strolling in the direction of the doorway of the constructing.
The couple regarded recent of their informal seems to be. Kareena sported a grey sweatshirt and free black pants. She additionally wore a black cap over her open hair and black sun shades.
Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan noticed exterior their residence:
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