Ajith Kumar is all set for a smashing return on the large display screen along with his magnum opus, Vidaamuyarchi. Final time, the Kollywood celebrity was seen in Thunivu, which was launched in January 2023. So, after a spot of two lengthy years, he returns to theatres and is able to set the money registers ringing. With virtually every week to go, the movie is already hinting at a record-breaking run, and it’ll begin with premieres in North America. Preserve studying for an in depth field workplace pre-sales report!
The movie was initially scheduled for launch throughout Pongal, however as a result of some causes, its launch was postponed, and now it’s arriving in theatres on February 6. Earlier than it marks its full-fledged arrival, the movie may have its premiere exhibits at chosen places on February 5, and all eyes are set on the way it performs within the USA and Canada premieres.
Going by the early developments, Vidaamuyarchi may have the very best premiere assortment for Ajith Kumar on the North American field workplace. Advance reserving is already open and in full swing. As per the most recent replace, the upcoming Tamil motion thriller has crossed the $100K mark by pre-sales of premiere exhibits. With 5 days extra to go, the movie is comfortably progressing in direction of the $200K mark.
It’s realized that Vidaamuyarchi has offered tickets value $60,629 for premiere exhibits within the USA and $46,940 in Canada thus far, as per Kollywood Abroad. Including each, the movie has registered premiere pre-sales value $107,569, which equals 93.19 lakh. Please word that the numbers talked about for the USA are as of yesterday evening.
For individuals who don’t know, Thunivu holds the very best premiere assortment file for Ajith Kumar, with a set of $273,350. This will probably be simply crossed as Thala’s upcoming biggie has already coated 39.35% of Thunivu’s whole North American premiere assortment by pre-sales alone.
Word: Field workplace numbers are primarily based on estimates and varied sources. Numbers haven’t been independently verified by Koimoi.
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