In “The Studio,” Rogen stars as Matt Remick, the newly appointed head of embattled Continental Studios. As films battle to remain alive and related, Matt and his core group of infighting executives battle their insecurities as they wrangle narcissistic artists and craven company overlords within the ever-elusive pursuit of creating nice movies. With their energy fits masking their endless sense of panic, each celebration, set go to, casting choice, advertising assembly and award present presents them with a possibility for glittering success or career-ending disaster. As somebody who eats, sleeps and breathes films, it’s the job Matt’s been pursuing his entire life, and it could very nicely destroy him. “The Studio” assembles a star-studded ensemble forged together with Emmy, SAG and Golden Globe Award winner Catherine O’Hara, Emmy Award nominee Kathryn Hahn, Ike Barinholtz and Chase Sui Wonders. Academy Award nominee and Emmy Award winner Bryan Cranston will seem as a visitor star.