Kollywood famous person Rajinikanth, fondly known as Thalaivar by his followers, and Bollywood famous person Salman Khan, affectionately referred to as Bhaijaan, is reportedly set to collaborate on a movie directed by Atlee, based on a report by Moneycontrol. Atlee has established himself as a profitable filmmaker in each Kollywood and Bollywood, delivering hits like Jawan with Shah Rukh Khan in Bollywood and blockbusters corresponding to Bigil, Theri, and others in Kollywood.
It’s well-known that Solar Photos shares a powerful relationship with Rajinikanth, as a few of their most profitable movies, corresponding to Jailer and Enthiran, featured the famous person. In accordance with Moneycontrol’s sources, there’s a sturdy perception that Solar Photos might carry Salman Khan and Rajinikanth collectively for a movie.
Salman Khan and Atlee have been in contact for the previous two years, with discussions a couple of potential movie progressing steadily. A gathering between the stakeholders is scheduled for February to finalize a deal by the tip of the 12 months.
Rajinikanth is presently engaged on a mission titled Coolie directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and produced by Solar Photos. Alongside Rajinikanth, the star-studded forged contains Aamir Khan, Upendra, Nagarjuna Akkineni, Sathyaraj, Kishore Kumar G., Shruti Haasan, and others. With music composed by Anirudh Ravichander, the movie has already generated immense hype.
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