Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor is ready to start filming for the much-anticipated Dhoom 4 in April 2026. As per a report by India At present, the YRF-backed motion franchise will see Kapoor taking over a brand new and thrilling function, marking his first look within the blockbuster collection. Earlier than diving into Dhoom 4, Kapoor is anticipated to wrap up his ongoing initiatives, together with Ramayana and Love & Conflict. The movie is at the moment in pre-production, with casting underway for 2 feminine leads and an antagonist.
Ranbir Kapoor to begin capturing for Dhoom 4 in April 2026: Report
Transformation Awaits for Ranbir Kapoor
Ranbir Kapoor, who has a packed slate of initiatives, will endure a serious makeover for his function in Dhoom 4. The report quoted a supply saying, “The manufacturing staff is exploring varied appears to be like for Ranbir that align with the franchise’s high-octane vibe.” The antagonist for the movie is reportedly being chosen from the South Indian movie trade, additional including to the thrill surrounding the mission. Followers are desperate to see how Kapoor will redefine the long-lasting franchise that beforehand featured stars like Hrithik Roshan and Aamir Khan.
Kapoor’s present commitments embrace his function as Ram in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana, co-starring Sai Pallavi and Yash, which is slated for a Diwali 2025 launch. Moreover, he’s filming Love & Conflict, a romantic drama by Sanjay Leela Bhansali that includes Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal, set to launch in March 2026.
Additionally Learn: Yusuf Ibrahim reveals Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding ceremony was the “Hardest to handle”; REACTS to stories of couple hiring 200 bodyguards
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