Hum Tum filmmaker Kunal Kohli, who shares an in depth bond with the Khan-Kapoor household, has reacted to the stunning information concerning the assault on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his residence in Mumbai. Whereas followers of the star have been expressing concern and sharing heartfelt messages for his restoration on social media, the director-producer has shared an replace about Khan’s well being and has additionally requested everybody to offer area to the household, contemplating the sensitivity of the state of affairs.
Hum Tum filmmaker Kunal Kohli points assertion concerning the recouping well being of Saif Ali Khan
Kunal Kohli on Saif Ali Khan’s well being
In an interview with India Immediately, Kunal Kohli assured followers that the situation of Saif Ali Khan is presently steady after the surgical procedure, together with asserting that he has been receiving fixed updates from the household. “I’ve been in contact with the folks near the household and acquired updates. I wish to give the household area and would urge all to offer them area. The truth that he’s steady and recovering effectively is heart-warming. Speaking concerning the security of Kareena Kapoor Khan and their sons, Taimur and Jeh, he added, “I hope they’re good. It can take lots of time for them to course of it. It is a trauma that won’t be over in a day.”
Concerning the assault on Saif Ali Khan
Saif Ali Khan was injured throughout an allegedly tried theft at his residence within the early hours of the morning. Between 2:00 AM and a pair of:30 AM, the actor was awoken by uncommon noises and found an intruder in his house. In an effort to confront the would-be burglar, Saif was injured within the ensuing scuffle. The actor sustained a number of stab wounds, two of that are reported to be extreme. He was quickly rushed to the close by Lilavati Hospital for a surgical procedure. Whereas his accidents weren’t life-threatening, now the actor’s group and his family members have assured that he’s recovering from the identical.
Additionally Learn: Saif Ali Khan’s group releases official assertion; actor out of hazard following tried housebreaking incident
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