Over time, there was fixed chatter on the sequel to Akshay Kumar’s 2012 blockbuster, Rowdy Rathore, which was produced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and directed by Prabhudeva. From Akshay Kumar to Shahid Kapoor, Tiger Shroff and Siddharth Malhotra – a number of names have been floating round within the media to hold ahead this cop primarily based motion entertainer. And now, we’ve got completely learnt that Sanjay Leela Bhansali has signed Kannada movie director Prem and has entrusted him with the duty of creating the script for Rowdy Rathore 2.
In line with sources near the event, Sanjay Leela Bhansali may be very excited to bankroll the sequel to Rowdy Rathore and had locked the core plot of the movie some time again. “The fundamental thought of Rowdy Rathore 2 has been in place for the longest time, and SLB was seeking to companion with proper forces to creating a banger of a sequel to this 2012 blockbuster. His ideas have aligned with Prem and the duo is working in the direction of creating the script of Rowdy Rathore 2,” revealed a supply near the event.
The supply additional added that the Rowdy Rathore sequel will transfer into the casting stage as soon as the screenplay is locked. “Prem will full fledged transfer into the pre-production of Rowdy Rathore 2 after the discharge of KD – The Satan. The movie is anticipated to take off someday by the top of 2025, and the casting will start from Summer season subsequent yr. Proper now, the energies are being invested to develop a script that does justice to the legacy of first half,” the supply added.
Will Akshay Kumar return to Rowdy Rathore 2. “We will know that on the proper time. It might be Akshay Kumar, a brand new hero or who is aware of, a two-hero movie too,” the supply concluded. Keep tuned to Pinkvilla for extra updates.
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