In a heartwarming gesture, Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan and director Kabir Khan will attend the Arjuna Award ceremony to have a good time the achievements of Murlikant Patekar, a famend Indian para-athlete. As quickly because the information broke that Patekar could be honored with the celebrated Arjuna Award, Kartik and Kabir congratulated him and determined to be a part of this momentous event.
EXCLUSIVE: Kartik Aaryan and Kabir Khan to have a good time Murlikant Patekar’s Arjuna Award
Curiously, Kartik Aaryan had portrayed the function of Murlikant Patekar within the movie Chandu Champion, which was primarily based on Patekar’s inspiring true story. The movie highlighted Patekar’s exceptional journey and struggles, and Kartik’s efficiency was critically acclaimed.
Patekar’s story, which was left incomplete within the movie along with his Arjuna Award win, will lastly see its end result tomorrow. Kartik and Kabir’s presence on the ceremony will undoubtedly make this second much more particular for Petkar.
A real champion, Patekar has been an inspiration to hundreds of thousands, and this award is a testomony to his dedication and perseverance. Kartik and Kabir’s gesture is a becoming tribute to Patekar’s achievements.
The Arjuna Award ceremony will happen tomorrow, January 17, and Kartik Aaryan and Kabir Khan can be in attendance to have a good time Patekar’s achievement.
Additionally Learn: Kartik Aaryan celebrates “Champions of Nation” on Military Day; drops dance video that includes Jawans
Extra Pages: Chandu Champion Field Workplace Assortment , Chandu Champion Film Overview
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