Alia Bhatt, together with many different Bollywood celebrities, not too long ago graced the Twenty fifth anniversary gala of the favored designer Sabyasachi. It was a taking place evening with many reunions so as. Alia was seen interacting along with her Gully Boy director Zoya Akhtar. Ananya Panday posed for a surprising image with the actress and known as her ‘eternally fave woman.’
On January 25, 2025, Alia Bhatt shocked at Sabyasachi’s 25-year runway present in a bejeweled golden shirt and black saree. In a single video shared by the paparazzi, she was noticed assembly Zoya Akhtar, who has directed her within the 2019 movie Gully Boy. Zoya will even be producing Alia’s street journey movie Jee Le Zaraa.
Within the clip, Alia was seen teasing the filmmaker about consuming a peda. The duo twinned in black outfits and couldn’t cease laughing in one another’s firm.
Alia Bhatt and Zoya Akhtar’s reunion:
Style stylist Anaita Shroff Adajania, who was additionally in attendance, shared an image of ‘beauties’ Alia Bhatt and Ananya Panday on her Instagram Tales. The Name Me Bae actress reposted it on her personal Tales. Ananya and Alia had their arms round one another and seemed completely beautiful of their black ensembles. The previous captioned it, “Ceaselessly fav woman @aliaabhatt (purple coronary heart emoji) kisses to mama @anaitashroffadajania.”
Take a look at Ananya’s story!
In the meantime, Alia Bhatt penned a heartfelt notice for Sabyasachi as he accomplished a particular milestone. She wrote, “25 years of crafting goals, preserving heritage, and redefining excellence. To me Sabya, you might be greater than a designer—you’re a visionary and a storyteller.”
Speaking about donning the designer’s outfits throughout completely different occasions, Alia continued, “I’ve been privileged to put on your creations over time, from international purple carpets to non-public milestones (marriage ceremony recollections I’ll cherish eternally). Your work isn’t simply trend—it’s artwork, mixing custom and innovation with unmatched finesse.” She known as him an ‘inspiration’ and congratulated him on his 25 years. The Alpha star added that she couldn’t recover from his latest present.
Alia Bhatt has been a muse for Sabyasachi on many events together with her marriage ceremony with Ranbir Kapoor, the Met Gala 2024, and extra.
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