The extremely anticipated trailer of Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor’s big-screen debut, Loveyapa, was launched on January 10, 2025. Through the trailer launch, Aamir Khan bought emotional and remembered the late actress Sridevi, saying, “Mera yeh sapna tha ke ek din Sri ke saath kaam karne ka mauka mujhe mile. (It was my dream to have the chance to work with Sri at some point) So, it is Khushi’s movie and it is an necessary second for me.”
Through the trailer launch of Loveyapa, Aamir Khan remembered Sridevi and shared that he has at all times been an enormous fan of Sridevi. He recalled how he had at all times spoken about her and expressed that it was his dream to work along with her at some point. Aamir talked about that seeing Khushi Kapoor’s movie felt like watching Sridevi once more.
He additionally wished Khushi all the most effective for her first theatrical movie, saying that he prays for her success and believes that Sridevi, wherever she is, have to be watching her with pleasure and happiness.
The Sitaare Zameen Par actor fondly remembered the late actress, expressing how great it will have been if she had been there with them at this time, although he feels she continues to be with them in spirit. He concluded by sharing that this was a big day for him, significantly due to Khushi’s involvement within the movie.
In the meantime, the humorous trailer of Loveyapa introduces a relatable story of recent Gen-Z love. Starting with a humorous interplay between Junaid Khan and Khushi, it delves into their lives after they trade cellphones, exposing their unstated secrets and techniques. The drama and enjoyable unravel because the movie explores up to date relationships.
The movie can even function Grusha Kapoor, Ashutosh Rana, Tanvika Parlikar, and Kiku Sharda, amongst others. Directed by Laal Singh Chaddha Helmer Advait Chandan, Phantom and AGS Leisure will current the upcoming rom-com.
ALSO READ: Loveyapa Trailer OUT: Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor starrer appears relatable Gen Z rom-com promising immense leisure