Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan sustained severe accidents after being attacked with a knife by an intruder at his Mumbai residence on Thursday morning. The 54-year-old actor was promptly taken to Lilavati Hospital, the place he underwent surgical procedure following the incident, which occurred at roughly 2:30 am in his Bandra dwelling. As new particulars in regards to the assault floor, it attracts parallels to a 2011 incident involving Saif’s sister, Soha Ali Khan, who confronted a equally alarming state of affairs at her residence.
Again in February 2011, whereas Kunal Kemmu and Soha Ali Khan had been relationship, they confronted a daunting expertise when a housebreaking try was made at Soha’s Khar residence. After attending a screening of Kunal’s upcoming movie, the couple returned to her first-floor flat.
Following a quiet dinner and dialog, they had been alarmed by an uncommon noise on the balcony. Kunal instantly went to research and was shocked to discover a thief trying to interrupt into their dwelling.
In a second of panic, the intruder tried to flee by climbing down the first-floor balcony however misplaced his footing and fell. Seizing the chance, Kunal rapidly rushed downstairs and managed to apprehend the thief earlier than he may escape.
Preliminary investigations revealed that the thief had a protracted historical past of prison actions, being linked to 10 earlier circumstances of home burglaries.
A detailed good friend of the couple shared the main points of the night with Mid-Day, explaining that Kunal and Soha had simply returned from the movie screening and had been enjoyable over dinner after they heard a noise stating, “When Kunal went to examine, he noticed the person making an attempt to flee. The thief, in his desperation, misplaced his steadiness and fell, giving Kunal the prospect to catch him,”
In the meantime, within the newest improvement in Saif Ali Khan’s case, the principle accused has been apprehended by Mumbai Police and has confessed to stabbing the actor through the incident.
The accused has been offered in court docket for additional police custody. Kareena Kapoor Khan, alongside along with her youngsters, Taimur Ali Khan and Jeh Ali Khan, lately visited Lilavati Hospital to fulfill Saif beneath heavy safety.
ALSO READ: Saif Ali Khan Assault: Vivek Oberoi reacts to actor’s stabbing incident; ‘I’m glad that…’