In a surprising incident early Thursday, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his Mumbai residence, sparking widespread concern amongst followers and the leisure trade. The 54-year-old actor was shortly admitted to Lilavati Hospital the place he underwent surgical procedure and is reported to be secure. Because the police work tirelessly to determine and apprehend the assailant, the investigation is being led by Daya Nayak, a seasoned encounter specialist from the Crime Department. Uncover extra about this officer’s experience and involvement within the case.
Daya Nayak, the top of the Crime Department’s Unit IX, visited Saif Ali Khan’s residence on Thursday as a part of the continued investigation. Nayak is a well known encounter specialist within the police drive, acknowledged for his function in taking down quite a few gangsters related to infamous figures like Dawood Ibrahim and Chhota Rajan within the Nineteen Nineties.
With a powerful document of 84 reported encounters, Nayak’s experience is pivotal within the pursuit of justice for the current assault on the actor.
Hailing from a Konkani-speaking household in Udupi, Karnataka, he had humble beginnings. Because the youngest of 5 siblings, he moved to Mumbai in 1979 seeking work to assist his household. His first job was at a resort, the place he managed to finish his schooling by finding out at an area college whereas dwelling on the premises.
After ending his education, Daya Nayak went on to graduate from CES Faculty in Andheri. His aspiration to affix the police drive started after assembly officers from the narcotics division whereas working as a plumber’s apprentice.
In 1995, he joined the Mumbai Police as a sub-inspector on the Juhu police station, amidst the peak of Mumbai’s underworld exercise. His profession gained vital consideration after he killed two gangsters from Chhota Rajan’s group in 1996 once they attacked him.
Daya’s rising fame was tempered by controversies, together with accusations of accumulating wealth past his official earnings. In 2004, the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) investigated him for allegedly proudly owning luxurious buses and properties in Mumbai and Karnataka.
Though arrested, the encounter specialist was reinstated in 2012 and continued his work, ultimately being posted on the Mumbai Crime Department, the place he made a reputation for himself capturing quite a few criminals. Daya Nayak is now getting ready for his retirement later this 12 months.
ALSO READ: Saif Ali Khan Assault: What numerologist Rishabh A Grover says concerning the unlucky assault on actor