Jewellery designer Saba Pataudi expressed her shock over the knife assault on her brother, Saif Ali Khan. She shared her emotions, stating that whereas the incident left her shocked, she is pleased with her elder brother for his bravery in defending his household from the intruder. The Bollywood actor was subjected to a number of knife wounds through the assault. Now, Saba Pataudi took to Instagram and shared “I am in shock and reeling from this insane incident” and likewise wished speedy restoration to her brother.
Medical doctors at Lilavati Hospital confirmed that 54-year-old Saif Ali Khan underwent emergency surgical procedure and is now out of hazard. The actor was rushed to the hospital after the incident, which occurred round 2:30 am at his Bandra residence.
“I am in shock and reeling from this insane incident however pleased with you bhaijaan. Taking good care of the household and standing tall would make Abba so proud. I’m. Get properly quickly. Lacking being there. Will see you quickly. Duas and prayers at all times,” Saba mentioned in a submit on Instagram the place she additionally shared a childhood photograph with Saif.
Saba Pataudi, 49, is the center youngster of veteran actress Sharmila Tagore and the late cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, along with her youthful sister being actress Soha Ali Khan.
Police have filed a case of “armed theft with intent to trigger demise or grievous hurt.” In keeping with a senior officer, the attacker fled the scene utilizing the constructing’s staircase. CCTV footage captured the intruder on the sixth flooring, and ten groups have been deployed to trace and apprehend him.
Saif Ali Khan’s home assist, who initially raised the alarm, reportedly sustained a minor hand harm through the altercation and later filed a police grievance.
Mumbai Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis commented on the incident, stating that the police had shared all mandatory particulars, together with the motive and origins of the intruder, and that the investigation is ongoing.
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