Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis reacted to the stabbing incident that injured Saif Ali Khan earlier at present, Thursday. The political chief revealed to the media personnel, based on Immediate Bollywood, that the police had already dropped the main points concerning the tragedy, together with the way it occurred and what was the mindset behind getting into the residence of the superstar in the midst of the night time.
The chief minister expressed his ideas on the scenario. On the identical time, Kangana Ranaut stood beside the politician within the movie show as he joined the actress through the screening of her newest movie, Emergency.
After popping out of the film, the CM briefly interacted with the media, whereby he responded to Rajya Sabha MP Priyanka Chaturvedi’s query, “If celebrities are usually not secure, who in Mumbai is?” Fadnavis claimed that it was not right to name Mumbai an unsafe metropolis after a knife assault on the megastar.
As for the assault that befell within the Tashan actor’s Bandra home, the robber broke into the residence and went on to stab the actor six occasions, inflicting him critical accidents. The daddy of 4 was admitted to the Lilavati Hospital at round 3:30 a.m. A surgical procedure was carried out on Saif to take away a 2.5-inch piece of knife that was caught in his backbone.
Dr. Nitin Dange, who operated upon the Omkara star, revealed to the media that other than the accidents close to the spinal wire, the film star additionally sustained deep-cut wounds on his left arm, which had been handled via the method of cosmetic surgery.
Along with the political chief, different celebrities from the movie business went on to want properly for his or her buddy and colleague.
In the meantime, the actor’s daughter, Sara Ali Khan, and son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, had been earlier noticed visiting their father, who has been in steady situation for the reason that surgical procedure.
Credit: Immediate Bollywood
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