December 9, 2025, marks the birthday of three Bollywood celebs. On at the present time, Farhan Akhtar, Farah Khan and Anusha Dandekar had been born. To rejoice the three of them, filmmaker Zoya Akhtar hosted an intimate dinner at her Mumbai residence. The gathering noticed Farhan arriving hand-in-hand together with his spouse Shibani Dandekar. They had been joined by Farah, her brother Sajid Khan and others. Test it out!
Zoya Akhtar shared an in depth bond with Farhan Akhtar, Farah Khan, and Anusha Dandekar. Since all three celebs had been born on the identical day (December 9), she determined to ask them for a shock birthday bash at her Mumbai dwelling. Hours in the past, actor-filmmaker Farhan was noticed making a dashing look at his sister’s residence. He was joined by his spouse Shibani Dandekar.
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Quickly after, Om Shanti Om director Farah Khan additionally arrived at Akhtar’s dwelling however she wasn’t alone. The birthday woman was accompanied by her actor-filmmaker brother Sajid Khan. The brother-sister duo posed for the paparazzi earlier than getting contained in the venue.
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Minutes later, in style Bollywood screenwriter Javed Akhtar got here together with his spouse, actress Shabana Azmi to rejoice Farah, Farhan, and Anusha on their birthday. The veteran artists flaunted their million-dollar smiles as they lovingly posed for the media.
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Because the clock struck 12, Zoya took to her Instagram account and dropped an image of the three artists who share the identical delivery date. Within the pretty picture, Farhan sat within the center with Farah and Anusha posing delightfully subsequent to him. She captioned it, “Convey It In #birthdaybabies #allnumber9 #capricornia @faroutakhtar @farahkhankunder @anushadandekar #threescompany.”
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As quickly as she posted the picture, celebs like Huma Qureshi and Siddhant Chaturvedi showered pink hearts on the birthday people. Anusha additionally thanked The Archies director for internet hosting such a candy occasion for them.
ALSO READ: Farah Khan Birthday: When Shah Rukh Khan left shoot to be together with his filmmaker-choreographer good friend present process ‘emotional trauma’